#StayHome but Stay
2 minute read
At Hyundai, we think mobility is a basic human right. So, we've developed a series of innovative solutions to help get more people where they want to go more easily and efficiently. The "wearable robots" that help individuals who suffer from paralysis to walking again is one of our exciting technologies that could bridge the mobility gap.
Fast forward to 2020 and the onset of COVID-19 has threatened not just the physical mobility of not just the elderly and disabled, but everyone in society. You can no longer enjoy beach volleyball, do marathons, or do the tango with your friends at the moment. Yet, there are things you can do to ensure you stay mobile while being stuck at home.
And the movement has never been so important. Exercise is not just about getting a perfect six-pack. It is proven to keep our immune system strong, less susceptible to infections and
better able to recover from illness. And in these challenging times, it’s also a valuable form
of therapy. Moving the body helps us work out frustration and anxiety. And on a scientific
level, moving your body is also about increasing happiness. Exercising has been proven to
stimulate the production of endorphins - our ‘happy hormones’ in the brain, acting as mood
elevators and natural painkillers. So, what can you do to keep yourself moving while staying at home? Here are some tips on how to work out safely at home during a pandemic.
Get Started With What You Have Now
Over the past few months, we’ve seen an explosion of fitness apps and gears, particularly at-home workout tools such as yoga apps and virtual health coaches as well as dumbbells and resistance bands. With these tools, you can get your heart rate up in your living room without venturing out for exercise. Or, use your old fitness gears if you have one. You can even transform water reservoirs or milk cartons into fitness gear and use them as a dumbbell. Start with what you have now.
Integrate Exercise Into Your Life
Of course, many of us don’t have the time or space to indulge in exercise classes, but there are still simple ways to keep mobile. The World Health Organisation’s recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity can be integrated into simple daily activities, like climbing the stairs, walking the dog, or dancing whilst you do the washing up. Sometimes, we find it challenging to make time for exercise, meditation, and yoga. Incorporate these micro-exercises in your routine and increase your daily movement.
Pick Your Best Playlist For Workout
Many experts say music plays an important role when it comes to exercise. Music makes your exercise more enjoyable and improves your productivity. Whether it be classical music or hip hop, create your best playlist for exercise and use it to improve your performance and efficiency.
As the initial shock of the virus is subsiding and we are finding our new rhythm, we are once again reminded that even when mobility is severely threatened, there will always be innovative ways for us to stay mobile. Even with the toughest restrictions, our willpower and collective creativity will continue to keep not just our bodies moving, but also humanity moving. After all, where there is a will to move, there is a way.
For the latest tips on how to keep your mobility going, follow Hyundai’s Instagram here: @hyundai