Lorenzo Quinn: Committed to climate change
4 minute read
Lorenzo Quinn is a contemporary figurative sculptor whose work is inspired by such masters as Michelangelo, Bernini, and Rodin. Join us as we find out more about his work and why he is joining Team Century.
Lorenzo is well-known for using colossal scale and bringing strong narratives of human physicality and emotion into his work. Through his sculptures, he channels his constant commitment to climate change by challenging the use of traditional materials and introducing innovation into every single step. What better opportunity for him to amplify this narrative than in this historic moment in Qatar, where Lorenzo joins forces with Hyundai and FIFA to reinforce our joint vision for a united world for sustainability.

I believe it’s our duty to leave a better world behind. LORENZO QUINN, TEAM CENTURY MEMBER
So, Lorenzo, what is the best goal you’ve ever seen scored at a World Cup?
Lorenzo: As both an Italian citizen and long-term Spanish resident, the key goals I remember are mostly from those teams. The 2006 World Cup Final is a standout for me as Italy beat France on penalties. Of course, I could also never forget Spain winning the world title in the 2010 final.
What is the most important thing when it comes to scoring the goal of the century(GOTC): a united world for sustainability?
Lorenzo: To encourage everyone to be more in tune with our
environment and with what surrounds us. To be more aware of who we
are and where we are now in comparison to the future. We should all
work together to achieve one goal for universal sustainability - this
narrative aligns with the sculptures I create.

What inspires you the most and why? How do you express this in your work?
Lorenzo: I am inspired by life itself and my journey through it. I’m a symbolist artist so every piece of work has a meaning behind it. A personal story or an ode to humanity as a whole. All my work is about uniting people, never about separating.
What is humanity's greatest goal, in your opinion?
Lorenzo: Life is cyclical. We must use what we have learnt from the past and in the present and use technology to help us advance and improve as we move forward. A rebirth for humanity and for a more empathetic world, founded on love and awareness towards our natural environment and a sustainable future.
I’m a husband and a father. I worry about my children’s future - what kind of world we have brought them into and what world we will leave for them when we are gone. I believe it’s our duty to leave a better world behind. Humanity has not been good to the environment, but I think we have come to realize that we have to be in perfect symbiosis with the Earth to move forward.
Why have you chosen number 3 as your jersey number?
Lorenzo: Three to me, means democracy. In order to advance and move forward in life, a third opinion breaks the cycle and provides a democratic balance and perspective of common goals. To me this speaks to the fact we must be united in order to make a change.

Why have you joined team century?
Lorenzo: I’m in agreement with Hyundai’s goal for sustainability and I want to be a part of their effort to make the world a better place. The Greatest Goal is the project that I am proudly working towards with Hyundai. The narrative, of course, is about sustainability and working together. For me it’s a great privilege and honor to be a part of this project.

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